“Keep, Change, Create”®

MMC have a wealth of experience in problem solving.

We create strategies for both private and public sectors;
to provide Proven Process based interventions to
embed Enterprise Wide Strategic Change

Celebrating Australian Made Week 20-26 May 2024.

Courtesy of and recognising Dr W Edwards Deming’s “PDSA” – Plan, Do Study, Act or as some University Lean, Six Sigma™ programs, called it Dr Deming’s PDSA “Learning Cycle”.

The QUIZ is to ‘see’ the various and most used problem solving and ISO 10009 Quality Tools in six steps. They are graphically and schematically shown. Being web linked, the Letter and Description answers can be placed in the PDSA and MMC “DACSIS” cycles.

The Answer sheet will be provided in June 2024 or, you can purchase the MM Problem Solving Pocket Guide in the interim.

MMC Approach

Proven Process-based interventions to embed Enterprise-Wide Strategic Change:

  1. Systemic risk management in business processes
  2. Quality management systems in business processes
  3. Continual improvement management in business processes

Creating a Resilient Enterprise Capabilities to withstand Future Shocks
(Cranfield University, BSI, The Economist Intelligence Unit and ISO 22316:2017)

Embedding Strategic Change Methodology

Our “Keep, Change, Create”® approach to Embedding Strategic Change

  1. Optimizing stakeholder needs to achieve strategic goals, risks and opportunities
  2. Business Acumen and risk-based thinking leadership practices in processes
  3. Integrating business management requirements into business processes
  4. Aligning continual improvement projects to business strategies and processes
  5. Sustaining systemic risk management guidelines and principles in business processes

MMC Problem Solving Pocket Guide (PSPG)

  • Have your “Breakthrough” (Dr J Juran) Projects achieve a 14% ROI and “Kaizen” Projects achieved 414%+ ROI?
  • The first edition was in 1996 and was truly ‘pocket-size’ and again in 2000, to support clients’ Continual Improvement programs and projects such as the Asciano, Royal Australian Air Force, Boral, CBA, CSR, Royal Australian Navy, General Motors, and Suncorp Insurance.
  • The MMC Problem Solving Guidebook (PSGB) and the 28 Tools and Techniques for Continual Improvement that was sold in Australia and Internationally through Bywater (ASEAN, Middle East, USA USA).
  • The 2024 MMC PSPG has been revised and resized to A4 as it provides additional Guidance
  • It has drawn from MMC clients and different problem-solving methodologies that suit their Context and Corrective Action procedures within their ISO Management System Accredited Certifications.
  • The author was a Member of the ISO 10009 Quality Tools, ISO 10014 Financial and Economic Benefits of ISO 9001, ISO 10017 Statistical Techniques. Currently on the ISO WG 29 ISO 9001 Revision
  • The MMC PSPG uses Dr WE Deming’s PDSA “Learning Cycle” and supports DMAIC Six Sigma™, A3 Lean; PDCA Dr Shewhart & Dr Deming; 8D Aerospace and Defense; IDEA for Science; Breakthrough Dr Juran; Corrective Action ISO MS Standards

MMC works in partnership with our customers to determine methodologies that will exist with your business and achieve the desired outcomes.

Our team are experts with a wealth of experience in complex risk-based industries sustained within their integrated systems by Embedding Strategic Change.

“Mike Anleitner, Livonia Technical Services Dallas TX USA Interview by Michael McLean

Lessons for Australia on the USA experience from their Reshoring Strategy, post COVID Pandemic, AUKUS and for rebuilding Australia’s Sovereign Manufacturing Capabilities.”